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Writer's pictureKarl Pratt

Pratt named director of Foundation

SCCF Executive Director Karl Pratt

The Sheridan County Community Foundation has named Karl Pratt its Executive Director effective January 1, 2022, as it voted to expand the part-time Board Liaison position, to full-time status during its December meeting.

Pratt, who has served as the foundation’s sole staff person since the fall of 2018, has helped develop the position over the years growing first from 15 hours a week, to 20 hours and most recently 25 hours. With his ever-growing capacities as the foundation staff member which also encompasses community and economic development endeavors for Sheridan County, the time was right to expand the position to full-time status to better serve the needs of the foundation and county at large.

“Karl has fulfilled the role we were looking for in our foundation and went way beyond that to be an all-encompassing hub of economic and philanthropic needs across the county. There have been so many grants and other business opportunities that he has brought to our attention that would have for sure been missed if we didn’t have him in this capacity,” said Jodi Roger, SCCF board member and secretary/treasurer.

In addition to foundation-related duties, this year, Pratt will be working to officially redevelop the local economic development board and begin exploring various ED-related programming, services and potential grant/loan resources. He will also continue to work with local committees to address childcare needs and other community projects such as the auditorium upgrades and park improvements.

“I’m very eager to serve in the expanded role as Executive Director of the foundation,” noted Pratt. “It has been an amazing experience to develop and grow the staff position over the last few years in support of the foundation while also dipping my toes into the world of economic development. I am excited to continue to assist in growing the foundation, its programming, services, grant opportunities and donor stewardship as well as assisting existing, expanding and new businesses in the area. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning more about business, philanthropy, and community and economic development since I joined the foundation--these elements all go hand-in-hand, in my opinion, and each can have a tremendous effect on the other in improving the quality of life for folks in an area.”

Pratt will now hold regular business hours from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at his offices in Bottle KAP Studios, 721 Main St, Hoxie. He can be contacted at 785-675-1240 or

Please feel free to stop by or make an appointment to visit him to assist with fulfilling your philanthropic wishes, learning more about grant opportunities, connecting you and your business to a variety of educational and financial resources, and more.

SCCF is governed by its board of directors, including Michelle Foote, chair; Jodi Rogers, secretary/treasurer; Whitney Bainter; Mike Mense; Teri Moss; Harry Joe Pratt; Danielle Schiltz; William Slipke; and Youth Ambassadors, Molly Foote, Haley Heskett, and Hailee Scheetz.

SCCF is an affiliate of the Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation based in Bird City. The foundation seeks to encourage, prudently manage, and distribute charitable contributions to improve the quality of life in Sheridan County residents, now and in the future. To learn more, contact Pratt at 785-675-1240,, visit Connect with SCCF at

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